
Season 1: Episode 58 - Elle aka "The Spider Lady"

Elle graces us with her delightful demeanor. She’s an artist in true form from her pop culture videos, to her artwork. Stay tuned, she her own podcast coming to share paranormal stories from people that have experienced them.


Here’s more information and links from her site:
She is a young artist, youtuber, and writer living with ADHD, DPRD, and depression. She cycles between three types of content:

She still creates art, but her patreon is not focused around it anymore. If you look through old posts, you'll be able to see it.

These post types are cycled from week to week. For example, week one would be a youtube video for my main channel, the next week would be asexuality & aromantic advocacy, and the third week would be a vlog.

You can also keep up to date with her on Twitter, where she’s often active.

She appreciates your support of her work.

Podcast: link

Patreon - patreon.com/secretladyspider

Ko-fi- ko-fi.com/secretladyspider 

Twitter- Twitter.com/scretladyspider 

Medium - https://link.medium.com/qFLs1SEdJab 

YouTube Main - YouTube.com/secretladyspider 

YouTube Vlogs - YouTube.com/secretladyspidervlogs 

Instagram main - Instagram.com/secretladyspider 

Art Instagram - Instagram.com/secretladyspiderartist