Lessons on Coping


Life throws us thorns and roses, and this is my story of coping.


I used to cope through all the wrong ways; yelling, being bitter towards those who I felt hurt me. Getting angry, having the deep seeded fiery ball in my stomach, eating, and dangerously risky behavior.

 I never really was much of a drinker after I became a mom, but the occasional wine or margarita helped me cope, at times.

Medication was and is something that helps me, but I really don’t like losing full control of my mental state, so I only used it minimally, if at all.


Coping is a daily thing for me, and I must always be mindful of where I’m at physically mentally and spiritually. Balance is essential, especially ensuring I get enough sleep, that I eat well and that I unwind thru a walk or a great book. Meditation, quiet time, self talk are all very important to me.

I find inspiration and relief when I reflect on my hikes. I gain a deeper sense of self & clarity for issues and problems that I face. What ever is the current thorn in my side, is all worked out through my hike. I breathe in the air, observe my surroundings, listening to birds as butterflies surround my head; it’s all so relaxing. The negativity of both my mind & world is completely removed when each breath I inhale, is exhaled.

There came a time when I had to take out the VHS that was playing in my head, because it was telling the old story, and it needed to be replaced by streaming audio of hope to encourage me, and empower me and my every-day life.


I coped at family events by putting on a mask so I didn’t lose myself in the chaos of dysfunctional family life.

I coped by becoming my authentic self, and surrounding myself with people that lifted me up instead of tearing me down.

I also coped thru my kids and making it my obligation to ensure I took care of their well-being before my own.

I coped by learning from my failures because as a teacher I learned that the only way we learn is by making mistakes

Daily, I’ve learned to cope by taking care of myself, mindful of when I need solitude, a long hike, mindful meditation or yoga which is new for me. Sometimes I read and escape into the world of an amazing book. I love to advocate on Twitter or share stories through my podcast or my other social media account as well. It helps me tremendously.

I make sure I take vitamins, cognizant that I do some type of physical activity at least three times a week. Everything for me works thru balance, and although I know this is what I need, it’s a daily struggle, especially when I’m thoroughly exhausted.


I learned that through the darkest muck comes rays of hope, that through the struggles and obstacles that block my path... there’s warmth in the light that shines from the hard work to remove them. I grow stronger and more resilient. I persevered thru my divorce, searching for help for myself & now son, as we all struggled. Faltering is part of life and it teaches us our inner strength, helps us find the confidence to push through the chains that bind not only our mind, but tries to constrain us to the ground.

I wish when you are lonely and in darkness I could show you the astonishing light of your own being!
— Hafizz

Through them I found the strength & courage to return to school. The idea of not having my degree, meant in my mind that I failed my mother, and myself. I went back to school as a single mom of four children working full-time, advocating for my son, and the rest of my kids. I finished not only my bachelors degree, but obtained my teaching credential, and my masters degree. Through my struggles, I taught my kids to never give up hope, to always put one foot in front of the other and to look for the little light that shines. No matter how dark the days get, it’s always there.


I wanted to go out and do something amazing, to help people share their stories, so others know they’re not alone. It’s a cathartic exercise for me and for those that share their stories, knowing that our voices are out there helping others. I wanted to help people take off their masks, to be their authentic self… And I wanted to teach others what it looks like when someone is struggling, so maybe they could understand without judging.

And in their voice, tell others about what they learned, to reduce the stigma around the world.

Ultimately I want to, as my catchphrase says, “shine a light today to brighten all your  tomorrows.” My goal is to a eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness thru schools, through my voice, and through my volunteer work.

I am here to live out loud.

~Emile Zola

Everything you can imagine is real ~Pablo Picasso
